十一月 16, 2021
MIPS(Millions of Instructions Per Second)
Classic flow:
- Fetch instruction
- Read registers
- Arithmetic operation
- Memory access
- Write back
Five steps and four cycles(Read and write registers cost only half a cycle).
Delay slot:
After the jump and branch condition, there is a delay slot to fill a non-related operation(usually a n operation before the branch).
How a program excutes
genera 3-operand format
op dest, src1, src2
MIPS instructions & memory organization
type of instructions
- Data operations
- Arithmetic(add, substrct……)
- Logical(and, or, not, xor……)
- Data transfer
- Load(Memory -> Register)
- Store(Register -> Memory)
- Sequencing
- Branch(conditional, >, <, ==……)
- Jump(unconditional, goto……)
- Data operations
- 32 General Purpose Registers
- Very important!!
- ALL the values for instructions must come from registers!
- R0 is always zero!!
Data operations & transfers